Mulberry Pre-School
Inspiring the next generation of learners...
As Early Years providers, we are required to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document.
Click here to see what you can expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage
At Mulberry Pre-School, we believe that the environment is the third teacher, following the parent as the first teacher and ourselves second. We take great care and consideration into providing learning environments which cater for the children's needs, interests and next steps in their learning journey. We change our play spaces following the children's lines of enquires and fascinations. We enhance our learning environments and opportunities with natural, reclaimed, and real resources, which offer open-ended play and learning as well as fun and curiosity.
We are huge advocates of outdoor play and exploration and spend the majority of our days out in the open air, investigating the world around us. We encourage children to be involved in decision making and we promote independence and risk taking through a range of carefully considered experiences that encourage an awareness of possible hazards as well as using trial and error to achieve our goals.