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Wellbeing at Mulberry

Our role is more than just about teaching and caring for children, we also have an important part to play in their wellbeing. These are some of the ways in which we do that. 

Early Years ELSA

My name is Izzy, some of you have already made my acquaintance and for those that have not, I look forward to meeting you. I am an Early years Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.

ELSA is an acronym for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. An ELSA is a member of staff who is trained to support children in the development of their emotional literacy. Early year's ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in the setting if their emotional needs are met. It is important to note that ELSAs are not there to fix children’s problems. What they do is provide emotional support to those who need it. Early year's ELSAs aim to establish a warm, respectful relationship with a pupil and to provide a reflective space where children are able to share honestly their thoughts and feelings.

What is Emotional Literacy? 

  • Understanding and coping with the feelings of ourselves and others

  • Developing high self-esteem and positive interactions with others.

  • Being emotionally literate helps children focus better on their learning, 

Some areas that an Early Years ELSA may work on

  • Recognising emotions

  • Self-esteem

  • Anger management

  • Loss bereavement

The Six Strands Curriculum


Just as children need to learn (and be ‘taught’) things like reading and mathematics, so too do they need support, direction and modelling of the social, emotional and behavioural aspects of learning and development. By being proactive in addressing this aspect of learning from a very early age, we are promoting the rounded growth and development of our children and equipping them with vital lifelong skills.

The Six Strands Curriculum is a tool, which has been developed and trialled, to support in promoting positive behaviours, emotions and relationships for all children. It aims to equip children with the skills, attitudes, behaviours and characteristics to help deal positively with the many and varied social and emotional contexts and challenges. 

The Six Strands 

  • Resilience

  • Respect

  • Boundaries

  • Focus

  • Self Regulation

  • Independence 

Open Monday - Friday    8.00am-4.00pm     Hampshire Term Time Only


Mulberry Pre-School,  Mulberry Road, Marchwood, Southampton SO40 4WB


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© 2021 by Mulberry Preschool

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